To get an LEI number for your organization, trust or fund, you must use a GLEIF accredited LOU (Legal Operating Unit) / LEI Issuer. The LOU provides the registration services, and will verify the legal entity reference information. When the application is verified, the LOU publishes the issued LEI to the GLEIF database.
RapidLEI is a GLEIF accredited LEI Issuer and offers direct LEI registration, transfer, and renewal services for LEI numbers and bulk LEI registration. RapidLEI also operates a global network of Registration Agent (RA) partners that offer localized LEI registration services such as language support, local payment acceptance, and localized entity reference data expertise.
RapidLEI makes applying for LEI numbers very easy and very fast. The online LEI application form requires only your company name and locality, and from there we connect directly to your local business registries to auto-fill the remainder of the application. You can see how fast the LEI registration process is in the below video:
The RapidLEI logic automatically verifies the accuracy of the entity reference data in real-time, leading to the highest LEI data quality rates in the LEI ecosystem.
RapidLEI issues LEIs 24/7 in just minutes, including weekends, and if needed our local validation experts are always on hand to assist. Registering LEIs with RapidLEI or our RA Partners costs a nominal fee (highly competitive vs other LOUs) with volume discounts available.