Difference between renewing and transferring an LEI
There is an important distinction to make when renewing an LEI. LEI renewal can only take place with the LOU (LEI Issuer) that currently manages the LEI. If you wish to change who manages your LEI, you must transfer it to your chosen LEI Issuer.
Find renewal instructions below for organizations that wish to renew with RapidLEI, but currently have LEIs managed by other LEI Issuers:
Renewing LEIs currently managed via another LOU / LEI Issuer
- Transfer your LEI to RapidLEI management. RapidLEI uses a streamlined LEI transfer process that operates within the rules of GLEIF transfers.
- The first step creates you a RapidLEI account.
- Complete and submit the LEI transfer and renewal application form.
- Once the LEI is managed by RapidLEI, we can automatically verify Legal Entity Reference Data from the appropriate Business Registry and determine if there have been any changes with the Global LEI System (GLEIS) database.