A Legal Entity Identifier code may be obtained for any of the following ‘Legal Entities’:
- Registered Companies* and Registered Subsidiaries*
- Non Profits
- Sole Proprietors (Having a distinct identity within a business register)
- International Branch offices (The Head Office must already have an LEI)**
- Funds and Trusts
*As a general rule, a Business Registry will usually bestow a status of “Good Standing” to a business which maintains accurate information within the registry and completes any annual filing requirements.
A Legal Entity does NOT have to be in Good Standing to be issued with a Legal Entity Identifier, but MUST be ACTIVE. i.e. Legal Entities which have been struck off, merged, withdrawn or de-registered will be unable to receive or renew their identifier number.
** A branch office within an alternative jurisdiction/state, but still within the same country as the head office is not eligible as only one LEI per country can currently be issued.