LEI Solutions > Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO)

Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO)

Capture accurate Ultimate Beneficial Ownership and controller declarations in real-time. Technology that helps you meet your regulatory obligations, reduce financial risk, and streamline KYC/AML.

Average price per case €50. Contact Sales for volume discounts.

Obliged entities need to have a proactive approach to solve ongoing KYC / AML/ CDD / EDD requirements, whilst also satisfying client’s needs.

Article 30 of the 5AMLD requires legal entities obtain and hold “adequate, accurate and current” information on their beneficial owners, including the details of the beneficial interests. UBO Service provides automated, fast legal declarations for beneficial owners. We ensure the data received is live from primary source registers and the declarations are made in real-time meeting your Anti-Money Laundering requirements.

Get instant access to Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) declarations in a matter of minutes.

Our portal helps you cut through complex hierarchies to verify beneficial owners and controllers. Instantly access primary source, reliable data via your portal dashboard. Capturing live legal declarations in real time. Our user-friendly dashboard ensures you have a clear audit trail every step of the way.

UBO Dashboard

What is a Beneficial Owner?

“A beneficial owner is defined as any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls a legal entity, either through direct or indirect ownership of a sufficient percentage of the shares or voting rights or ownership interest in the entity, including through bearer shareholdings, or through control via other means.” – Article 3(6) of 4AMLD

What is a UBO declaration?

A UBO declaration is a legal document that gives you current, accurate, and reliable information about the true beneficial owners of a corporate company all within your own portal account or integrated API. The legally binding document is signed by a verified authorized person.

Key Attributes in a UBO Declaration

  • Declaration with Verified Electronic Signature
  • Signer Name
  • Signed at Time and Date
  • Signature

Example UBO declaration

Global LEI issuer

Meet KYC/AML Regulatory


Enhance customer experience


Reduce operational overhead & financial risk

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Gain competitive advantage

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Accelerate Onboarding

With our Beneficial Owner legal declaration dashboard and API platform, you can onboard customers with ease, while maintaining an auditable workflow from the moment you sign in.

LEI use case


Verify and validate Beneficial Owners and Controllers. Capture legal declarations in real-time, ensuring you meet your compliance requirements.

LEI Users

Know Your Customer (KYC)

Reduce risk by increasing the assurance in knowing who you are doing business with. Boost customer satisfaction while meeting on-going KYC and AML compliance obligations.

LEI use case

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

Add an additional layer of security to your compliance process with a globally recognised Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).

Resell LEIs

Take advantage of the new global recurring revenue opportunity for UBO Service

Talk to us today about how Ultimate Beneficial Owner services can be offered alongside Legal Entity Identifiers to provide new recurring revenue and make your services more competitive.