LEI usage is driven by various local and global regulations, as well as new payment standards like ISO 20022 in the Digital Certificate standard ISO 17422.
Being an accredited Legal Identity Identifier issuer is core to Ubisecure’s mission. We are focused on developing services to automate the interactions & assurances within the three identity domains: individuals, organizations & things.
The Ubisecure Identity Platform is used in nationwide solutions to enable the use of strong identity, secure identity data and improve customer experience.
LEIs are the best good solution to solving the issues associated with the less standardised, and less mature organizations domain to improve KYC, digital assurance and more.
The Ubisecure Identity Platform and Identity APIs open many new use cases for LEIs as the central identifier to how organizations can interact and trust each other, assign rights to represent, and be trusted by their customers.
Innovations are detailed in the Marketplace, including the new ‘Sign in with RapidLEI‘ service that asserts organization identity, affiliation and representation rights to counterparties.