RapidLEI is a Legal Entity Identifier issuance and management service created and managed by Ubisecure. Ubisecure is a GLEIF accredited LOU (Local Operating Unit).
Only a small number of organizations globally are accredited to issue official LEIs. GLEIF accredited LOUs are required to meet well defined standards of service and quality, to maintain free and open access to LEI reference data.
RapidLEI has innovated automation technology in the LEI application process workflows to make registering, issuing, renewing and publishing LEIs extremely easy and by definition, rapid.
Our algorithms do the heavy lifting for the registration – our systems connect directly to official business registries in dozens of different jurisdictions to provide automated workflows and improve data accuracy.
RapidLEI’s modern approach lowers the costs associated with issuing and managing LEIs – both in small and volume numbers.